At Outside the Box Equine we connect horse people to education, resources and professionals that can support them in creating supportive and species-specific spaces for their horses.
Are you ready to learn more about creating functional supportive and species-specific horse spaces? To prioritize your horses in your horse keeping, without adding more work or stress?
Whether you’re just starting out on your horse journey, run a boarding facility, or you own land and are needing help with shifting to a set-up with a focus on a symbiotic relationship with the land you and your horses live on. You’re in the right place.
We’re fellow horse owners who are passionate about horse keeping that really works for horses and their health, takes care of the land, and centres harmony, biodiversity, restoration and repair.
Blog + Resources
Interested in enrichment for your herd? How about herd integration, water buffets, shelter building, sleep supports and proprioception builders? Our educational blog is a great spot to start! And coming soon, Our Picks and a Resources page.
Online Courses + Offerings
Wanting to take your learning further? We have online courses for that! Learn the ins and outs of building a track system on the West Coast, with multiple varied video case studies on track systems and herd integration. We also have courses on Applied Kinesiology and stay tuned for the release of an amazing hoof care course.
Adored Beast Apothecary Products
If you are curious about building functional horse spaces that actually work for horses, in ways that mimic how they are meant to live and provide them with lots of choice about how they want to spend their days, welcome!
The west coast (Canada and the US) is progressive in so many ways, ahead of our time in terms of our own health, and yet our horse keeping does not seem to be keeping up.
At OTBE, we believe it is time to let go of the cookie cutter model of in/out barn with tiny sterile paddock and minimal turn-out, and open things up! Our vision is to help make this a reality, by providing educational resources, case studies, consultations and online courses that both inspire you and show you how to easily make a species-specific shift for your own horse or herd.
It’s time to put our money where our mouth is when it comes to how much we love our horses and start to show it though our actions, whether it’s on your own land or in the places you choose to keep your horses. It’s time to start asking more of your boarding barns, more turn out, more forage, more horses living with other horses, more enrichment, more varied footing, more fun, less electric fence.
It’s time to step outside of the box and look at the world through your horses eyes and ask the big questions…
What is going to make their life the best it can be, the healthiest it can be, the most natural it can be, no matter whether they are a performance horse or a family pet? What small or large changes can you make right now and over the next few years to create functional flowing horse spaces that foster happy and healthy horses every single day, in every moment? Because any body worker, horse trainer or equine professional worth their weight in salt will tell you, they can only do so much and they definitely can’t fix an environmental problem (and most of your horses issues, if you really break them down, are exactly that).
Whether you’re ready to make a bigger plan and want support, or ready to start taking some small steps to begin your journey “outside the box” we’re here to help.
This hub for those looking to support their horses in a lasting and foundational way, aims to connect you to the education, resources and professionals you need to give your horse spaces and your horse keeping an equine-centred makeover. Whether you’ve been dreaming of building a track system, want to integrate horses but are feeling nervous or scared, or are curious about how to make your horse’s boarding experience more enriching and supportive, this is the spot for you.
Check out our blog and our picks – we’ve packed both spaces full of helpful content and resources to get you started.
Sign up for our newsletter to be kept in the know on upcoming online course releases (Build a Horse Track System (on the West Coast) is coming in November 2024!).
Thanks for being here and for your interest, there is much more great things to come!
With thanks,
Alexa Linton, OTBE Founder

Benefits for your land, biodiversity, the environment of species-specific low impact horse keeping:
– improves soil quality through retention of top soil, reduction of run off, supportive pasture management, mulching and harrowing your composted manure
– alleviates hoof pressure on the land, and in turn, mud, with thoughtful grazing practices and the creation of a home base for your herd
– reduces the need for extensive tree removal, leveling or added aggregates for drainage, as well as large building sites and costly stalled barns (more cost effective!)
– increases number of beneficial plant and animal species “sharing” and supporting the land.
Benefits for your horse and you of creating a more species-specific space like a track system:
- Alleviates boredom, tension and stress behaviour with supportive spaces
- Activates seeking, curiousity and play in your horse, and moving them into healthier nervous system states that promote learning
- Supports your horse to move freely, fully and with variation, to improve their fitness, discover autonomy and ease in their bodies, and reduce the impacts of over-use injuries, arthritis, tendon issues and aging
- Increases quality of life through enrichment, movement and friendship
- Improves proprioception, hoof health and connection to environment
- Reduces the risk of health issues including ulcers, colic, and metabolic conditions through increased movement, access to species-appropriate forage, enriching time with other horses, and freedom of expression
- Enhances sensory experience and improving emotional wellbeing, to allow them to show up in their domestic life in a more balanced and fulfilled way
- Meets your horses essential needs in their domesticated environment (as much as possible) to support their overall fulfillment and health